Главная / Новости / 2009 / Август
Поиск:Новости:01:36 06/08/2009Всемирная организация по борьбе с пытками вступилась за политзаключенную Татьяну ХарламовуГде находится Харламова и каково ее состояние здоровья, неизвестно уже более месяца. Во время этапа находившаяся на четвертом месяце беременности Харламова потеряла ребенка Всемирная организация по борьбе с пытками (Женева) направила официальный запрос президенту РФ Дмитрию Медведеву и Генеральному прокурору Юрию Чайке о местонахождении политзаключенной Татьяны Харламовой, находящейся на этапе из Смоленская в Хабаровск. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба московских национал-большевиков. Где находится Харламова и каково ее состояние здоровья, неизвестно уже более месяца. Во время этапа находившаяся на четвертом месяце беременности Харламова потеряла ребенка.
Также организация по борьбе с пытками потребовала гарантий обеспечения необходимой медицинской помощи Татьяне Харламовой и Игорю Щуке, а также справедливого ведения судебного процесса против них.
Напомним, 1 октября 2008 года на закрытии Дальневосточного Международного экономического форума в Хабаровске Татьяна Харламова и Игорь Щука провели акцию протеста против передачи Китаю островов Большой, Большой Уссурийский и Тарабаров. Им было предъявлено обвинение по статьям: 282.2 ч.2 УК РФ ("Участие в деятельности экстремистского сообщества"), 319 УК РФ ("Оскорбление представителя власти") и 282 УК РФ ("Возбуждение ненависти либо вражды"). Спустя полгода тюрьмы, 1 апреля, Щука и Харламова были освобождены по истечению срока содержания под стражей. Однако в конце мая они были арестованы в Смоленской области.
Текст обращения:
Case RUS 040809 Whereabouts unknown/ Conditions of detention amounting to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment/ Fear for safety
The International Secretariat of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in the Russian Federation.
Brief description of the situation
The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society (RCFS), a member of OMCT SOS-Torture Network, that the whereabouts of Ms. Tatyana Kharlamova, a Russian national born in 1989, arrested on 30 May 2009 along with Mr. Igor Schuka, a Belarus national born in 1987, remain unknown, raising fears for her safety. Both are members of the banned National Bolshevik Party (NBP) in Moscow.
According to the information received, on 30 May 2009, Ms. Tatyana Kharlamova, who was fourth months pregnant, and Mr. Igor Schuka were arrested on a bus in Smolensk region when they were on their way to Ukraine, in order to seek political asylum.
Both were taken to Khabarovsk by train (which is 9000 km away from Smolensk), during which Ms. Tatyana Kharlamova reportedly suffered a miscarriage, allegedly due to the bad conditions of transportation.
While Mr. Igor Schuka is currently detained in the Khabarovsk pre-trial detention centre, apparently in good health and assisted by the Belarus Embassy, the current whereabouts of Ms. Tatyana Kharlamova could not be ascertained, raising fears for her safety.
According to the same information, on 1 October 2008, a group of NBP activists, including Ms. Tatyana Kharlamova and Mr. Igor Schuka had chained themselves to the doors of the Music Theater in Khabarovsk to protest against the decision by Russia to hand over to China three islands on Amur River. This protest occurred during the International Economic Forum, which plenary sessions were taking place in the Music Theater, in Khabarovsk.
Both Ms. Tatyana Kharlamova and Mr. Igor Schuka were arrested and charged with “inciting to hatred or animosity” (article 282 of the Russian Criminal Code), “participation in activities of an extremist group” (article 282 §2 of the Russian Criminal Code) and “insult of a state official” (article 319 of the Russian Criminal Code). On 1 April 2009, both were released but were requested not to leave the city. However, according to the same information, Ms. Tatyana Kharlamova and Mr. Igor Schuka decided, at the end of May 2009, to flee the city, allegedly because of constant police pressure and harassment.
The International Secretariat of OMCT is gravely concerned for the safety of Ms. Tatyana Kharlamova as her whereabouts remain unknown, raising fears that she may be subjected to torture or other ill-treatment.
OMCT is also deeply concerned about the conditions of detention during transfer by train. According to the information received, the coaches are very dirty and detainees have only limited access to sanitary. Furthermore, the food provided to the detainees is poor. The route and destination are usually kept secret from the detainees so that it is very difficult for them to inform their families of their whereabouts.
OMCT recalls that the Government of Russia is legally bound to effectively ensure the physical and psychological integrity of all persons deprived of liberty in accordance with international and regional human rights law.
OMCT urges the Russian authorities to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of Ms. Tatyana Kharlamova and Mr. Igor Schuka at all times in accordance with international human rights law, in particular the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights, the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and to take all necessary measures to immediately locate the whereabouts of Ms. Tatyana Kharlamova.
Action requested Please write to the authorities in the Russian Federation urging them to:
i. Immediately locate the whereabouts of Ms. Tatyana Kharlamova and make it public;
ii. Guarantee, in all circumstances, the physical and psychological integrity of Ms. Tatyana Kharlamova and Mr. Igor Schuka;
iii. Guarantee unconditional access to a lawyer of their choice and their families, as well as guarantee that Ms. Tatyana Kharlamova and Mr. Igor Schuka are examined by independent doctors and receives adequate medical care, in accordance, inter alia, with the recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and of the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners;
iv. Order their immediate release in the absence of valid legal charges that are consistent with international legal standards, or if such charges exist, bring them before an impartial and competent tribunal and guarantee their procedural rights at all times;
v. Carry out a prompt, effective, thorough, independent and impartial investigation into these reports, in particular the conditions of detention during the transfer, the result of which must be made public, in order to bring those responsible before a competent, independent and impartial tribunal and apply penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions as provided by law;
vi. Ensure the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.
Addresses * Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, President of the Russian Federation, Kremlin, Moscow, Russia, Faxes:+ 7 495 206 5173 / 230 2408, Email: [email protected]; * Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Mr. Yuri Chayka,, 125993, Moskva K-31, Ul. B. Dimitrovka, d 15a, Russian Federation, Fax: + 7 (495)692-17-25; * Chairwoman of the Presidential Human Rights Commission of the Russian Federation, Ella Pamfilova, 103132 g. Moskva, Staraya ploshchad, d 8/5,pod 3, Russian Federation, Fax: +7 495 20 64 855; * Vladimir Lukin, Russian Federal Ombudsman for Human Rights, Fax: +7 495 207-74-70; * Minister of Internal Affairs, Rashid Nurgaliev, ul. Zhitnaya, 16, 117049 Moscow, Russian Federation, Telegram: Rossiia, 117049, Moskva, Fax: + 7 495 237 49 25; * Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov, Smolenskaya-Sennaya pl, 32/34, 121200 Moscow, Russian Federation, Telegram: Fax:+ 7 495 230 21 30; * Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations in Geneva Av. de la Paix 15, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland, e-mail : [email protected], fax: +4122 734 40 44;
Please also write to the diplomatic representations of the Russian Federation in your respective countries. *** Geneva, 04 August 2009 Архив новостей Добавить комментарий:
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Печуро Сусанна
25 лет ИТЛ Многочисленные пересылки, этапы, смена 11 тюрем и 7 лагерей. В разработках МГБ ей предназначалась роль связной «сионистского центра». Погружение в море человеческого горя, унижения и безысходности. Знакомство с реальной историей страны.
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ФКУ ИК-6 поселок Восточный Омутнинского района Кировской области
Расположенная в поселке Восточный Омутнинского района Кировской области колония особого режима № 6 - настоящий ад для попавшего туда арестанта. В лагерях, тюрьмах и на пересылках ВятЛага об этой колонии рассказывают леденящие кровь истории одна страшнее другой. Но правда о том, что на самом деле происходит на этой зоне, гораздо страшнее тех историй, которые рассказывают заключенные друг другу, путешествуя по этапу. Для ФСИНовцев, работающих в этой печально известной колонии, сломать отрицающего их порядки и стоящего на своем арестанта - дело чести.